Monday, June 28, 2010

Electric is mostly done

Got the inside and outside lights and 4 outlets wired up this weekend. Still have to wire in a ceiling fan and 2 more outlets. We have most of the cracks sealed up with foam. Once all cracks are foamed up will cut off the excess and then apply chinking material between the logs. I have 10 days off over the 4th of July so should get a lot done.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Fun

Jonah finally got to shoot Dave's AK-47 so he was pumped. Terry caught a nice northern. The sun even came out for the whole day. Very nice.

Electricity, Windows and Shakes

Had a long weekend and made some good progress. Got the electricity trenched in and started wiring up the cabin. Windows are in and the shakes in the front are on. We are home for 3 days and then headed back up. Going to try and finish the electric and start the chinking.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Back At It

We started working on the cabin again a few weeks ago. Hadn't posted because bug treatment and log washing isn't that exciting to look at. Started this weekend with some clean, hopefully bug proof walls and were ready to start staining. We used dark honey on the inside and dark brown on the outside. I think it came out pretty good. Really looks like its made out of lincoln logs now. Forgot my camera so all I have is a cell phone pic. Headed back up on Thursday for a 5 day work weekend. Will run the electricity, cut out the windows and starting chinking up the cracks. Goal is to be sleeping in it by 4th of July.